Index Issue Three

Editorial for Issue Three Articles Michael Castelle, Relational and Non-Relational Models in the Entextualization of Bureaucracy Evelyn Ruppert, Not just another database: the transactions that enact young offenders Anne Helmond, The Algorithmization of the Hyperlink Taina Bucher, Objects of Intense Feeling: The Case of the Twitter API Reviews Thor Magnusson, On Creativity and Calculation: Attempts …

On Creativity and Calculation: Attempts at and Rejections of Formal Definitions of Creativity

A popular fable goes like this: on May 11th 1997, when a computer called Deep Blue beat the world champion Gary Kasparov in a six-game chess match, researchers in artificial intelligence had to replace their old milestone for another. The event had made it clear that, even if outperforming the world champion in chess, computers …

Not just another database: the transactions that enact young offenders

Introduction Government practices from social work and criminal justice to health care and taxation rely on administrative databases to identify, track, monitor, evaluate, govern and intervene in the life chances and trajectories of people. 1 While governments have long compiled such databases their proliferation and the uses to which they are being put are being …

Editorial Issue Three

With the rapid ascent of Big Data – always the capitals – into the vapour clouds of overheated, media-saturated publicity, and its condensation into the steady drip, drip of the recent Snowden leaks, questions about the generation, storage and processing of data have become a matter of concern for many. The thoughts and anxieties of …

Relational and Non-Relational Models in the Entextualization of Bureaucracy

Introduction This paper addresses data management practices of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, specifically in the context of their use by large formal organizations. The most significant processual development in this period is the rise and subsequent dominance of data management systems using the relational model. 1 Such relational database systems—which organize information …